You Verdmo V.004 sensor gives you two ways to install your sensor. By installing your sensors from the top you can easily get readings, and move the sensor to other locations without any digging or extra work. However by installing your sensors horizontally in the ground you are able to get long term reads of root zone moisture levels. The choice is yours.
1) Vertical Installation
This is the easiest installation type. Simple choose the location where you want to measure your soil moisture (and EC+Temp if using V.004T), and press the sensor down into soil until all three stainless steel probes are submerged. The black hub can be placed anywhere you would like. We recommend keeping the top exposed to ensure better WiFi connection.
With this method you will get readings for the top of your soil only. This is usually not the root zone of your grass or plant but does give you an indication of overall soil moisture. Keep in mind this top layer of soil may not be indicative of deeper levels. For more information about soil and how the sensors work check here: Understanding your Soil
2) Horizontal Installation
This installation method involves more work, but provides you with on going measurements at your desired depth which allows you to measure moisture (end EC+Temp with V.004T) at your lawn or gardens root zone. This means you can get a better understanding of your plants actually needs but knowing how much available water there is at their roots.
An example of this is on a hot summer day it rains, you assume that your lawn has sufficient water from the rain, however due to the heat and evaporation the water never reaches the root zone of your lawn or garden. You may be surprised to see that the moisture level only increases slightly or maybe not at all. This is the advantage to measuring at the root zone.
In order to do this you need to dig a hole just past the depth you want to place your sensor. Your root zone depth will differ depending on the plant/lawn, the age of the plant/lawn, and how available water has been for it in the past. An established lawn usually has root depth of 6" (15cm)-2' (60cm). The hole should be wide enough for the sensor to fit into.
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Following this place the sensor into the wall of the hole, pressing firmly and not wiggling it into place.
Some keys to a good installation:
- Do NOT wiggle the sensor into place. Press firmly and push straight. Wiggling can introduce air pockets around the sensor which can produce false low readings
- Avoid touching roots or other plant matter. You are trying to get a reading of the soil around the roots, not the roots themselves
- Avoid rocks, branches and anything else that is not soil
For more information about soil and how the sensors work check here: Understand your Soil
Installation of the Hub
The hub is the brains of the operation. It connects to the sensor, provides power, and connects via WiFi to your app and online dashboard. The hub is fully waterproof and can be placed anywhere, but there are three main ways to install it.
1) Lawn/Ground Level Installation
You CAN install your Verdmo (sensor and hub) so it is at your lawn level and can be walked and cut over without an issue. In order to do this dig a shallow indent in your lawn/garden in order to fit the hub. Place it so that the top of the hub is still visible. The WiFi antenna is at the top of the hub so the majority of it can be below ground level. You can now continue to get connection which not worrying about cutting over it. (*we do not warranty your Verdmo if you do cut it*)
2) Simple Ground Placement
Generally good for gardens, simple place the sensor where you'd like (vertically or horizontally) and place the hub on top of the ground. For best connection we do not recommend placing it behind too many plants, trees, etc.
3) Wall or Pole Installation
In the box of your Verdmo V.004 you will find a small brown envelope which has screws and plastic adapters for the back if your Verdmo hub. This allows you to have standard wall hanging screw/nail slots to hang your hub if you want.
**Our documentation is under construction. If you find an error of feel we are missing something please let us know and we will fix/add it**