Welcome to the Verdmo mobile app! We use a platform called Blynk which allows us to provide you with the best possible experience. At this point you should have created an account from the e-mail sent to you, and have your sensor setup and running. Below is a quick outline of the main aspects of the Verdmo mobile app. Let's get started!
Main Dashboard
This is what you will see when you log in to the app. You can have as many Verdmo's as you want, including different types.
Sensor Page
When you click on and open one of your sensors you will see a screen that gives you all of the information you need. The main reading is soil moisture, which shows you the latest reading and a trend. Below that is the EC reading and Temperature reading if using V.004T. And finally a chart that shows you all three readings together, and allows you to adjust the time range so you can see how the readings have changed.
By clicking the "three dots" in the top right corner of the Sensor Page you will be taken to an information page with a tab for settings. On this page you will see three different items. The first is the temperature setting to change from Celsius to Fahrenheit (default is Celsius) if using V.004T. Below that you will see an RSSI reading (WiFi signal strength) and battery life.
More Coming Soon!
We will have more updates to the app coming soon including more connections and more settings.